Posted in Ways To Fundraise!

24 Hour Danceathon!

This fundraising event is a bit more of a different choice that many people may not have heard of before and it is really popular amongst energetic student fundraisers.

We all love to dance and one of the best ways to have fun is by dancing of course! So why not incorporate this into your fundraising? Many people take on marathons, but for those of us who aren’t ready for all those months of active commitment, there is also the chance to work on a danceathon.

A danceathon is literally dancing, constantly, for 24 hours! You can do this in a clear box in the middle of a town if you have the facilities to do so, a room, an office, your school, your university, anywhere!

Photo by Luciana Sena on

You can leave a pot for people to drop money into, or ask for donations online for people to donate to in support of your corageous efforts to dance for 24 hours. It would be great to get a lot of friends involved so that you don’t feel like you are alone in your efforts to make the time go faster. It can be super fun, and tiring, so you need the support!

Create a sponsorship form, put together a playlist and get dancing! There are plenty on Spotify that would be great to use!

Good luck!